Where Do We Go from Here?

January 20, 2020 
Our service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions was very moving. Prior to the service, a video played honoring Dr. King and his “I have a dream of a better world”. It was people from all walks of life sharing how we all desire a better world.
Reverand Ronnie Bell, Pastor of Cumberland UMC, opened the service. Reverand Anthony Stone, Pastor of New Palestine UMC, assisted with the service. Our scripture reading was from Mark 10:35-45. It was the scripture when James and John asked Jesus for a favor. They wanted to sit at Jesus’ left and right in heaven. Jesus shared that they had no idea of what they were asking and that those positions were already held for those God planned to site in those positions. I can think of so many times when I ask for things that I really don’t have an idea of the responsibility that goes with the position. I think James and John were the same.
Our message today focused on Dr. King and his life. He shared 2,500 sermos before he died at the age of 39 in 1968. In the autopsy, it showed that Dr. King’s heart was like the heart of a 60 year old. The stress of his life showed in his heart.
A true leader is a servant of Jesus Christ. Technology over shadows every thing we do and shares so much of what we do. It is hard to share Jesus and do acts of kindness without others seeing the work that we are doing through Social Media. It is all the work we do that is unseen that is most fulfilling. Dr. King stayed in a challenging fight and left people with a sense of hope after many crisis’ occurred. We need to stay in the fight and bring hope to those around us.
In 1958, 44% of the people said that they would move if a black person moved next door to them. Today, only 1% said that they would move. While it is troubling there is 1% who said they would move, we have made significant strides in reducing prejudice. We have so many new opportunities to share Christ.
“Death isn’t the final answer. Power without love is reckless and abusive. Love without Power is anemic.”  Pastor Ronnie shared this and I did not catch if these were quotes or originals. 

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