New In-Person Worship Guidelines Phase 3

Careful Return to In-person Worship
(Facebook Livestream Alternative Available)
We are excited to bring back in-person worship. It is been a long time worshiping our God in different spaces, but we want to make sure that those who cannot physically come to the church can join in as a part of a worshiping community.
Guidelines for worship are listed below, but as mentioned by Pastor Ronnie and CUMC leadership,
If you have a condition that compromises your immune system,
If you are over the age of 70,
If you simply do not feel up to the risk involved with in-person worship, no matter what your position is in the church, consider staying home and joining via Facebook Livestream.
Here is Pastor Ronnie’s video announcement regarding in-person worship.

Expectations Entering Building July 5th for Worship
- Everyone Wears Face Masks
- Temperature Checks Done at the Entrance
- Strong Social Distancing Measures Around Seating
- Limited Congregational Singing
- No Hymnals or Registration Pads
- No Coffee and Conversation
- Bring Your Own Communion Elements – Small Amount of Bread and Juice for Each Family Member
- Carry Out Your Trash with You When Worship Finishes
- Promptly Exit the Building
Facebook Livestream of the Worship Service Available During Worship