2025 Basketball

General League Information:
Boys and girls play together on our teams.
One practice planned for each week.
Reversible jersey issued to each player.
Our players learn and have fun in our faith based program. This is not a high intensity program. Practice and games should be fun for all.
We will try to balance our teams which means some players may shift around at the beginning of the season.
Jamboree on Saturday, January 11.
Regular emails will be sent to any registered participant with more specific information.
Practice nights are either Monday and Tuesday at either 6:00 or 7:00 PM.
Open practices are December 2, 3, 9, and 10. Grades K-3 practice from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Grades 4-6 practice from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.
Team practice begins December 16 or 17, 2024
No practice the weeks of December 23, 2024 and December 30, 2024 for the Christmas Holiday.
Practice resumes the week of January 6, 2025.
New particiants $20 per child ($22 per child when using PayPal/Givelify), which includes a jersey.
Returning players with last year’s jersey or previous cheer uniform $10 per child ($11 child when using PayPal/Givelify) .
Payments of cash, check, or online must be made by December 10.
Game Days:
Saturdays, starting January 18 and finishing February 22, 2025.
First game starts at either 9:00 or 10:00 AM, then every hour. Start time depends on how many teams and games played.
Everyone plays.
This is a recreational program. We believe our kids can be competitive and play hard in a family friendly environment that is fun for everyone involved, including the referees.
Arguing or abusive remarks toward officials, coaches, players or other spectators will not be tolerated. Anyone who is unable to enjoy the game in a friencly way will not be permitted in the gym.
Coaches and Referees:
Coaches and referees are volunteers. Our league will not be able to operate without parents or others willing to coach and referee our teams.
Please consider being a coach or an official. It is fun, not too hard, and we will give you whatever help we can to ensure a good experience.